
DIY vs. Professional Asbestos and Mould Removal

When in doubt, consult with certified experts who can assess the situation

February 3, 2024

Asbestos and mold can pose significant health risks, making their removal a critical concern for homeowners in Calgary. When facing these issues, the decision between DIY removal and hiring professional experts can be daunting. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of DIY removal versus professional asbestos and mould removal, providing valuable advice on when it's safe to tackle small projects and when it's crucial to bring in experts to ensure proper containment and disposal.

Before we delve into the comparison, it's essential to highlight a crucial statistic: According to the Canadian Cancer Society, asbestos exposure is responsible for approximately 2,100 new cancer cases in Canada annually. This statistic underscores the seriousness of asbestos-related health risks, emphasizing the importance of safe removal.

DIY Asbestos and Mould Removal: Pros and Cons


Cost Savings: DIY removal may be less expensive upfront, as you won't incur professional service fees.

Immediate Action: You can address small, localized issues promptly without waiting for professional assistance.


Health Risks: Handling asbestos and mould without proper training and equipment can expose you to harmful fibers and spores, increasing health risks.

Incomplete Removal: DIY methods may not effectively eliminate all asbestos or mould, leading to recurring problems.

Legal and Regulatory Challenges: Failing to follow local regulations and guidelines can result in fines and legal issues.

Professional Asbestos and Mould Removal: Pros and Cons


Expertise: Certified professionals have the training and experience to handle asbestos and mould safely and effectively.

Safety: Experts use specialized equipment and follow strict safety protocols to protect themselves and homeowners.

Compliance: Professionals ensure compliance with local regulations and guidelines, minimizing legal risks.

Thorough Removal: Professionals are equipped to address all affected areas, reducing the risk of recurrence.


Cost: Hiring professionals may be more expensive than DIY methods, but it ensures a safer and more thorough removal process.

When to DIY and When to Call Professionals

While small, localized issues may be tackled through DIY methods, certain situations demand professional intervention:

Small, Isolated Problems: If you discover a tiny patch of mould or a limited area of damaged asbestos-containing material, you may address it yourself,

Large-Scale Contamination: Extensive mould growth or widespread asbestos contamination should always be handled by experts.

Friable Asbestos: If you suspect friable asbestos (easily crumbled or damaged), never attempt removal yourself; call professionals immediately.

The decision between DIY and professional asbestos and mould removal in Calgary ultimately depends on the scope of the problem and the potential risks involved. While DIY methods may seem cost-effective, the health and legal risks associated with asbestos and mould make professional intervention the safest choice. Remember, protecting your health and ensuring thorough removal should always be the top priorities. When in doubt, consult with certified experts who can assess the situation and provide guidance on the most appropriate course of action.

Jason Steward


Jason is an abatement professional with over a decade of experience

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