Frequently Asked Questions

Does Wise Abatement Guarantee Their Work?

YES! The final step in our removal process is to sample and test the air quality. Once analysis is complete, a Removal Clearance Report will be issued to demonstrate the air quality meets or exceeds legislative requirements. This final Clearance Report will act as a certificate, so to speak, providing a guarantee that the asbestos is gone!

When Is It safe To Reoccupy An Abatement Area?

Once the Removal Clearance Report is issued, demonstrating that the air quality meets or exceeds legislative requirements, it’s safe to enter.

can We Live In Our Home While Asbestos Is being Removed?

YES! At Wise Abatement we use the latest and safest means of removing asbestos and strictly adhere to legislative requirements. This means any asbestos disturbed will never enter occupied areas. We do our best to minimize the disruption in your space during the process; however, there will be minimal background noise from equipment and removal of the materials.

Where Can I Find More Information?

For additional information on asbestos removal, testing, and disposal procedures, refer to the Alberta Asbestos Abatement Manual

More general and specific information about asbestos can be found at: asbestos.com